Access event registers


When a client books an event with reserVie they are added to the event ‘register’. The event register provides definitive list of clients that are ‘registered’ for the event.

Access the register

reserVie allows quick and simple access to the event register via either the ‘course view’ or the ‘week view’.

Access via the

To create the register via the course view please complete the following steps:

Step 1: Log in to your reservie account

To log into your reservie account click

Step 2 Access course view

Using the left-hand menu, click ‘Events > Course view’

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Step 3. Find event

Tip: If you cannot see the event that you are looking for in course view, change the date selection in the top right-hand corner.

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Once you have located the event click the ‘info’ button

Step 4: Select the date

In course view, since the view displays the all associated future dates, select the event date and click the ‘view register’ button

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Step 5: View the register

You will now have access to the register. This allows you to see participants of the event and to contact associated participants.

EventsDarren Cooper